The maritime exploits of a suburban housewife … and her sister with a camera


Over the years, we sisters (Karin and Lisa-Ann), have been fortunate to indulge in our love of all things maritime. This blog started as a way to share our experiences with family and friends. Hopefully the escapades and shenanigans of the Two Cruising Sisters (joined occasionally by our husbands and Mom), will entertain you as much as we’ve entertained ourselves. Especially after a visit to the Crow’s Nest bar …

In addition to this blog, check out where Lisa-Ann and her camera explore the Olympic Peninsula here in WA State.

Sunday day

I can’t imagine that people could ever be bored on a sea day.  Starting at 7:00 a.m. and running until 11:00 p.m., there are about 50 different activities. Starting with the sunrise stretch and the walk-a-mile for the stalwart types, there were games (ping pong...

Guest chef Jason Dady

Sunday Evening

Connectivity is spotty, at best, so I’ll add pictures when it’s better.  Pity, because I think I’ve got some good ones. Tonight, I dined in solitary splendor, Karin preferring toast, peppermint tea and some meclizine (available for free from the front desk) to...

First Night

Thankfully, tonight’s dinner dress was casual, so after a quick wash up, we immediately fell back into our usual cruising habits.  Up to the Ocean Bar for appetizers and grapefruit cosmos. Feeling refreshed, but still hungry, and since our 8:00 dinner hour had...

Sail Away Day

Sailaway day! After giving our bags to the hotel bellman to deliver to the Zaandam, we went through a well organized (albeit long) line and cleared customs, checked in, got our cabin key, and boarded the Zaandam, captained by Jan Smit. While standing in line, we...

Up to Vancouver, BC

After getting up at the crack of dawn, we took the Amtrak Cascades up to Vancouver, BC this morning, arriving just before noon. \ And spending a beautiful afternoon walking along the Coal Harbor seawalk in Vancouver. We ended with a...

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